Communities in Disasters: Helpless or Helping?

Aiko Takazawa, Kate Williams
2011 Perspectives on Global Development and Technology  
Development faces the challenge of an unexpected rise in disasters of all kinds. Prompted by two popular books about disasters (Klein 2007; Solnit 2009), we review the North American scholarly literature on disasters to answer three questions. Practically, how do local communities respond to disasters? Theoretically, what is the relationship between local social networks and disaster response/recovery? For policy, whom should we count on to carry this out? The primary finding is that
more » ... , however devastated, are not helpless, but helping, and in particular stages. Outside social forces can help, but disregarding local networks and processes impedes disaster response/recovery.
doi:10.1163/156914911x610394 fatcat:gtd3l5ykunerfbqif4nq4zcuge