An Analysis of Data Management Plans in University of Illinois National Science Foundation Grant Proposals

William Mischo, Mary Schlembach, Megan O'Donnell
2014 Journal of eScience Librarianship  
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Library conducted an analysis of 1,260 Data Management Plans (DMP) submitted in National Science Foundation (NSF) proposals from July 2011 through November 2013. Each DMP was assigned controlled vocabulary and keyword terms which summarized the proposed data management mechanisms for storing and sharing data. A database composed of the proposal's title, PI, PI's department and col-lege, NSF grant number, funded status, assigned DMP
more » ... , and keyword terms was constructed. As of May 2014, a total of 298 of these UIUC proposals had been funded by the NSF. Our analysis of this sample revealed no significant statistical differences in proposed data storage and reuse venues between funded and unfunded proposals. However, there was a statistically higher frequency of use of the campus institutional repository and disciplinary repositories in proposals submitted after October 2012. This analysis was undertaken to provide the Illinois campus and Library with information on the DMPs being submitted by Illinois researchers. In particular, the analysis allows us to classify the DMPs in grant applications with regard to their proposed data storage Correspondence to William Mischo:
doi:10.7191/jeslib.2014.1060 fatcat:v4un66y5czhwvakuzjgyea7wlm