Experimental Tracks and Their Role in Testing of Rolling Stock and Railway Infrastructure

Andrzej Massel
2021 Problemy Kolejnictwa  
To speed up the deployment of innovative solutions in rail transport, while ensuring their required quality, dedicated testing grounds are used in some European and non-European countries. Such testing grounds include, in particular, experimental tracks and a special group of them are experimental loops districts. One advantage of such advanced infrastructure is the availability of conditions comparable to those on railway lines but with no impact on the performance of transport tasks, the
more » ... ability of the same conditions for comparative tests and the continuity of tests, which considerably shortens their duration and accelerates the results. The article describes the parameters of the experimental tracks in use, and compares and classifies them in the context of the feasibility of different types of testing. Keywords: experimental track, experimental loop, tests, rolling stock, infrastructure
doi:10.36137/1923e fatcat:vlgtu67crbbvpjglcwgkfzh7ge