Working conditions of nurses in the Family Health Strategy

Lázaro Clarindo Celestino, Laura Andrian Leal, Fernanda Ludmilla Rossi Rocha, Silvia Helena Henriques
2019 International Archives of Medicine  
To describe the working conditions of the nurses of the Family Health Strategy, characterizing the forms and modalities of work contract, types of bond, working hours, benefits, career plan and salaries. Method and Findings: Exploratory qualitative approach study. Participants were 18 nurses from the teams of the Family Health Strategy of a municipality in the countryside of Mina Gerais, Brazil. The data collection took place in July 2018 through interviews, using a script with closed
more » ... The Ethics Committee of the proposing Institution according to Official Letter 090/2018, CAAE 83419418.2.0000.5393, approved the study. Two forms of work contracts have been identified represented by the city hall and outsourced companies, the latter being the mode that offers the most benefits to workers. In addition, there was a lack of commensurate links, in addition to units with physical infrastructure that were compromised, lack of basic materials and supllies essential for the provision of care, absence of essential benefits for this category, insalubrity, commission for productivity, long journeys and overload of work, neglect and devaluation of the worker. Conclusions: This study should promote the managers' reflection on the working conditions offered to nurses in basic care, rethinking management models that help them cope with problems related to their work context, stimulating a healthy environment, mitigating possible occupational risks that could compromise physical or mental health of the worker.
doi:10.3823/2606 fatcat:gxwosxuni5cmtmoudkrpbmzvzq