The Adjustable Capacity Transformer Economical Analysis Based on Medium and Long-term Load Forecasting

Qian Wang, Lu Meng, Yu Niu, Xinyong Yang
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 5th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2016)   unpublished
In recent years, the residential electricity load characteristic changes significantly. Especially in rural areas, the load is low at ordinary time, but the peak load rise sharply in Spring Festival. In response to this situation and to improve distribution transformer economical operation, adjustable capacity transformer was developed and applied. But the suitable load characteristics of the adjustable capacity transformer is qualitative given, also did not consider the growth of the load
more » ... n adjustable capacity transformer life. If choose undeserved, it not only cause the waste of investment, even may cause loss of increase. The development of medium and long-term load forecasting applicability research and evaluation of energy conservation of adjustable capacity transformer is important significance to guide energy conservation and accurate distribution network investment.
doi:10.2991/iceep-16.2016.42 fatcat:6ubijjluejfwrhd5tn44bg4iqy