Design Method of Freeform Off-Axis Multi-Mirror Optical Systems

Xinyu Liu, Jun Zhu
2022 Photonics  
A data point calculation method that does not require the use of Fermat′s principle and a simple and general design method of starting points of freeform off-axis multi-mirror optical systems are proposed in this paper, which aim to promote the realization of high-performance reflective systems containing freeform surfaces. Taking a planar system and the required parameters as the input, a good starting point for a freeform off-axis multi-mirror system can be automatically obtained using the
more » ... posed method. The design of a freeform off-axis five-mirror system with a low F-number is taken as an example to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. The method can also be used for the design of freeform reflective systems with other numbers of mirrors.
doi:10.3390/photonics9080534 fatcat:b73w54duobhb7bdaqsxugzujw4