Vision of IHI AEROSPACE Space Utilization
IHI エアロスペースにおける宇宙環境利用中長期ビジョン

Toshiharu OKA, Akira SHISA, Hiroshi FUJINO
International journal of microgravity science and application  
IHI AEROSPACE Co.,Ltd. (IA) had developed and have been developing an important part of the International space station JEM "Kibo" and the many kinds of the experiment equipments in space from the start point of the Japanese space development. Now, the Exposed Facility (EF) and Pressurized Module (PM) of "Kibo" have been utilized for the technical test bed on orbit and the laboratory on orbit, for example, life science, medical science and material science experiments in microgravity in "Kibo".
more » ... And IA hopes to continue space utilization on earth orbit and start space utilization on Moon. IA will be developing the important system and experiment equipments for space utilization in future.
doi:10.15011/jasma.28.4.160 fatcat:dupdafrqkvbpfpygixvetmyyre