Effective field theory for large logarithms in radiative corrections to electron proton scattering

Richard J. Hill
2017 Physical Review D  
Radiative corrections to elastic electron-proton scattering are analyzed in effective field theory. A new factorization formula identifies all sources of large logarithms in the limit of large momentum transfer, Q^2≫ m_e^2. Explicit matching calculations are performed through two-loop order. A renormalization analysis in soft-collinear effective theory is performed to systematically compute and resum large logarithms. Implications for the extraction of charge radii and other observables from
more » ... ttering data are discussed. The formalism may be applied to other lepton-nucleon scattering and e^+e^- annihilation processes.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.95.013001 fatcat:d4vqjvgek5ajlkx4lktemjdgni