Experimental determination of the transmission of the atmosphere - based on thermographic measurements

P. Pregowski, W. Swiderski
1996 Proceedings of the 1996 International Conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography   unpublished
The influence of limited transmissivity of atmosphere should be taken into account in many applications of IR thermography (IRT). There are a lot of situations when application of computer simulation programs, e.g. based on the LOWTRAN models or using significantly simpler relations, is impossible or limited due to the investigation conditions. This paper presents one of the procedures to estimate the total influence of the atmospheric path between the object plane and the IR camera. This
more » ... nce consists of self-emitted and scattered radiation and is often variable, although it cannot be measured or seen directly. We found higher values of signals from the atmosphere than expected. In the case of short wave (SW) cameras, the application of antisolar long wavelength filter redUces the influence of reflected radiation from the sun and also atmospheric signals.
doi:10.21611/qirt.1996.060 fatcat:rbtc7opbfbfp3ly2sy7pwbfdba