On the Causal Relationship between Poleward Heat Flux and the Equator-to-Pole Temperature Gradient: A Cautionary Tale

Sukyoung Lee, Changhyun Yoo
2014 Journal of Climate  
An increase in the poleward heat or energy transport is often ascribed to a strengthening of the equator-topole gradient in temperature or in the top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) net radiation. While this attribution conforms to the well-established flux-gradient relationship, a counterexample is shown here, demonstrating that a forced atmospheric circulation, triggered by enhanced convection over the western tropical Pacific warm pool and suppressed convection over the eastern tropical Pacific and
more » ... ndian Oceans, can cause the equator-to-pole gradient in the TOA net radiation to increase.
doi:10.1175/jcli-d-14-00236.1 fatcat:5de7y56hpfdu3pisgs6estoufu