Radiological evaluation of pulmonary metastasis

J S Lee, Y J Lee, J O Choi, J S Kim, H S Rhee
1984 Journal of the Korean Radiological Society  
158 cases of p 비 monar y metastasis having satisfactory histological proof of the primary malignant tumor, the freq uency and pattern of which were analysed by conventiona l radiological approaches at Presbyterian Med ical Center from J an . 1978 to Dec. 1982 , were eva l uated rad iologically. The resu lts are as follows : 1. The frequency of pulmonary metastasis according to the primary sites was 24% (38 / 158) hepatobiliary system , 19.6% (31 /1 58) gastrointestinal tract , 18.9% (30/1 58)
more » ... erine cervi x and 12% (13/158) head and neck. 2. Pulmonary metastatic pattern showed nodular type 74% (117 /1 58) , granular type 10.1 % (16/158) , strea ky type 9.5 % (15/158) , hilar en largement 3.8% (6 / 158), patchy type 1.9% (3 /1 58) and others 0.6% (1 /1 58). Of all these type, nod ul ar type was predom in ant. 3. The nodular type of p 미 monary metastasis was classified into less th a n 10 nodules 56 .4% (66 /1 7) , 10-50 nodules 25.6% (30/11 7), more than 50 , 17.9% (21 /1 17). 4. The size of nodule was 1-3cm 36 .6% (43 /1 17) , 2-3cm 20.5 % (24 / 11 기, less than 1 cm 12.8% (15 /1 17) and more than 5cm in 5.2% (1 /1 17) of the cases. 5. Most cases of pulmonary metastasis involved both lung fields 69 .6% (110/58 ). Others were right lung field on ly 17 .7% (28/158) , left lung only 1 2.7 % (20 / 158). 6. The ages between 40 and 70 represented 79.8 % (126/158) of the cases and the ratio of ma le and female was about 1.5 : 1.
doi:10.3348/jkrs.1984.20.3.489 fatcat:v3z4ixnhfjhdvh42wplfo2ooni