Assessing regional outcomes and drought adaptation management strategies for coastal California grassland restoration [thesis]

Justin Cao Luong
LIST OF EQUATIONS Equation 1.1. An equation to calculate growth rate based on species-specific biometrics. Equation 1.2. An equation to calculate leaf lobedness. Equation 1.3. An equation to calculate the relative distance plasticity index (rdpi) of functional traits. Equation 2.1. An equation to calculate percent loss of CO2 assimilation following drought. Equation 2.2. An equation to calculate percent recovery of CO2 assimilation following drought. Equation 2.3. An equation to calculate the
more » ... 2 assimilation recovery rate following drought and rewatering.
doi:10.48330/e2qp47 fatcat:y6eslyt6erfhdbnjilxygm4kg4