Local hadron calibration with ATLAS

Paola Giovannini
2011 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
The method of Local Hadron Calibration is used in ATLAS as one of the two major calibration schemes for the reconstruction of jets and missing transverse energy. The method starts from noise suppressed clusters and corrects them for non-compensation effects and for losses due to noise threshold and dead material. Jets are reconstructed using the calibrated clusters and are then corrected for out of cone effects. The performance of the corrections applied to the calorimeter clusters is tested
more » ... h detailed GEANT4 information. Results obtained with this procedure are discussed both for single pion simulations and for di-jet simulations. The calibration scheme is validated on data, by comparing the calibrated cluster energy in data with Mote Carlo simulations. Preliminary results obtained with √ s = 900 GeV collision data are presented. The agreement between data and Monte Carlo is within 5% for the final cluster scale.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/293/1/012057 fatcat:nqk45qfxkrcfboz6csx6rbqd2u