Casimir interaction between holes in a plate

Daniel Kabat, Dimitra Karabali, V. P. Nair
2010 Physical Review D  
We study the leading long-distance attractive force between two holes in a plate arising from a scalar field with Dirichlet boundary conditions on the plate. We use a formalism in which the interaction is governed by a non-local field theory which lives on the two holes. The interaction energy is proportional to Q_1 Q_2/r^7 at large separation r, where Q_1 and Q_2 are certain charges associated with the holes. We compute these charges for round and rectangular holes. We show that the 1/r^7
more » ... ior is universal for separations large compared to the linear dimensions of the holes, irrespective of the spin or interactions of the bosonic field. We also study the interaction between two long thin slits, for which the energy falls off as 1/r^6.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.82.025014 fatcat:psalvgd45rdxtoobs4gevlib4e