Scheduling-based code size reduction in processors with indirect addressing mode

Sungtaek Lim, Jihong Kim, Kiyoung Choi
Ninth International Symposium on Hardware/Software Codesign. CODES 2001 (IEEE Cat. No.01TH8571)  
DSPs are typically equipped with indirect addressing modes with auto-increment and auto-decrement, which provide efficient address arithmetic calculations. Such an addressing mode is maximally utilized by careful placement of variables in storage, thereby reducing the amount of address arithmetic instructions. Finding proper placement of variables in storage is called storage assignment problem and the result highly depends on the access sequence of variables. This paper suggests statement
more » ... uling as a compiler optimization step to generate a better access sequence. Experimental results show 3.6% improvement on the average over naive storage assignment.
doi:10.1109/hsc.2001.924669 fatcat:m567eo7awnehpek32nsynfbcyi