The Regulation of Throwing Ball

Suharjo, Budi Valianto, Mesnan
2020 Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Sport Science (UnICoSS 2019)   unpublished
The research was underpinned by the fact in the field that students in junior high school have been able to understand the rules of throwing ball games. The research aims to determine the ability of the students in the throwing ball regulation in the city of Medan school year 2019/2020. This research is a quantitative descriptive study. The method used is a poll sheet. The subject of this study is a student of 60 students at the Kota Medan Junior High School. Data analysis techniques using
more » ... iptive analysis, which is poured in the form of percentages. The results of research on student skills survey in the throwing ball regulation at SMP City Medan school year 2019/2020. In junior high school Madya Utama Medan Students ' ability to understand the throwing ball rules with a percentage of 80.00%, do not understand the regulation with a percentage of 20.00%. In junior high school hero Medan's students ability to understand the throwing ball rules with a percentage of 85.21%, do not understand the regulation of 14.79%. In junior high School 8 Medan students ' ability to understand the regulation with a percentage of 90.00%, do not understand the regulation of 10.00%. In junior high School 27 Medan students ' ability to understand the throwing ball regulation with a percentage of 89.17% did not understand the regulation of 10.83%. At SMP Negeri 35 Medan Students ' ability to understand the throwing ball regulation with a percentage of 93.33% did not understand the regulation of 6.67%. Overall the ability of the student understands the throwing ball rules with an average percentage of 87.54% and does not understand the game rules of throwing balls with an average of 12.46%.
doi:10.2991/ahsr.k.200305.030 fatcat:f3zgwmrwpnhlxbladsmgd3sxxi