Pool Boiling Experiments on a Nano-Structured Surface

Hee Seok Ahn, V. Sathyamurthi, D. Banerjee
2009 IEEE transactions on components and packaging technologies  
The effect of nano-structured surfaces on pool boiling was investigated. Saturated and subcooled pool boiling experiments were performed on a horizontal heater surface coated with vertically aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). MWCNTs were synthesized using the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process. In this paper, MWCNT forests of two distinctly different heights (Type A: 9-m height, and Type B: 25-m height) were synthesized separately on silicon wafers. PF-5060 was used as the test
more » ... liquid. The results show that Type-B MWCNTs yield distinctly higher heat fluxes under subcooled and saturated conditions for both nucleate and film boiling. Type-A MWCNTs provide similar enhancement in nucleate boiling (as Type-B) for both saturated and subcooled conditions. Type-B MWCNTs enhanced critical heat flux (CHF) by 40%. Increasing the height of the MWCNTs is also found to extend the wall super heat required for CHF. In contrast, Type-A MWCNTs provide only marginal enhancement in film boiling compared to bare silicon wafer, for both saturated and subcooled film boiling. Type-B MWCNTs enhanced the heat flux in the film boiling regime for the Leidenfrost point by 175% (compared to bare silicon wafer).
doi:10.1109/tcapt.2009.2013980 fatcat:2ztzeiewwzfazhkzvafueu7fou