A case study of senior care services area settings based on junior high school districts

Tatsuya Nishino, Zhen Jiang Shen, Kazuma Omori
2014 Jusoken kenkyu ronbunshu  
The purpose of this study is to discuss the validity of junior high school districts as the basis for setting official senior care service areas. The results of a survey of one hundred and seventy-five (175) senior people show that the actual living spheres of elderly people match, on average, two or three elementary school districts and that local organizations take responsibility in these elementary school districts. Therefore, it can be argued that junior high school districts are meaningful
more » ... as the standard for official care service area settings, because they are a group unit of matching elementary school districts.
doi:10.20803/jusokenronbun.40.0_11 fatcat:vjbnmbqqjbbxrheyzlze2rveq4