Importance of the Nutrition with Antioxidants in the Treatment of Cancer and Others Damages [chapter]

Eva María Molina Trinidad, Marco Antonio Becerril Flores, José Luis Imbert Palafox, Laura Vargas Servín
2019 Antioxidants  
The antioxidants are molecules capable of retarding or anticipating the oxidation of other molecules. Epidemiological results have shown that the persons who consume a rich diet of fruits and vegetables present a minor risk of suffering different types of cancer, cardiovascular and neurological diseases, and a minor mortality than the persons who consume few fruits and vegetables. Others studies suggests that the vitamins are antioxidants like can to decrease hurt oxidative in the
more » ... y of many chronic diseases and cancer. Nevertheless, evidence of new studies in mice shows that vitamins can promote the growth of tumors and metastasis and the expression of the gene p53. Current studies indicate that patients with cancer and people who have a major risk of cancer will have to avoid taking complements of antioxidants, due to the fact that it was thought that antioxidants might protect cells against cancer since they neutralize reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can damage the DNA, but in studies of animals, it has been indicated that the presence of major concentrations of antirust exogenous prevents the type of hurt of free radical that has been associated with the formation of cancer.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.85469 fatcat:4tgbmmc2vnhoplqzxwm7byplqy