Modern Workmen's Dwellings

1849 Scientific American  
Scientific '1\metican. 179 For the Scientific American. The 1IlInera loglst.-The deserlptlon and loeallty areyery Important Mineral In llae Un ited States. lor, reddish. Easily broken. Scratches glass; and 3 times as heavy as water. Does not melt. Found at Redfield, Me. ; and E. Bradford, Pa. ACTYNOLITE. This mineral occur& in masses wh ich may be split into thin plates Its color is green, but when heated it turns deep brown, afterwards ash gray. It is found in the towns of Hawley, Middlefield,
more » ... Bolton, and Chelmsford, Mass.; in Brunswick, Me.; in Concord, Pa.; Litch field and Canton, Ct.; and in Windham, Vt Also on the Island of New·York, and in the , vicinity of Philadelphia, of New Haven, and of Baltimore. ADULARIA, (MOONSTONE.) Occurs in rolled masses and in crystals. Co lors, white, sometimes with a tinge of blue, .,green, yellow, or red. Its lustre is pearly, and , melts into a transparent glass. It is 2 § times heavier than water. Its localities are, Ticon deroga, N. Y.; Conestoga creek and German town, Pa. ; Lyme and Haddam, Ct ; Oakham, Southampton, and W. Springfield, Mass. ; in the vicinities of Baltimore and New-York; al so on the margin of Lake Champlain, at a place called Split.rock. ALMANDINE, (PRECIOUS GARNET. ) Occ urs in crystals, also in grains. Color, red It has a shining vitreous lustre. It IS brittle, nearly transparent, and scratches glass. At melts into a black globule. Compared with water, it is 4 times heavier. This beautiful miner al IS cut and polished for jewelry, and is found in Hanover, N. H, ; Goshen, Ct.; N ew lin, Pa.; and Bethel and Royalton , vt. ALUM ROCK, Colors, white, yellowish, or whitish gray; taste, sweetish and astrlDgent. Fonnd at Na vesink hills, N. J. ; Cape Sable, Md. ; Catskill, Mt., and 12 miles from Catskill, N. Y. ; Ley den, Mass. ; Pownal, Vt.; and at Bolton, Ct. (To be continued.) Water Drinking In Childhood.
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican02241849-179e fatcat:qiim5hd2vfbkvhknop24yesuge