Attention Training in Smokers [article]

William Kerst, Andrew Waters
2013 Figshare  
Part of symposium on ecological momentary assessment in addiction presented at American Psychological Association Convention 2011 in Washington D.C. Reports on study of attention retraining (cognitive bias modification - Attention) in cigarette smokers. Retraining was administered via a modified dot probe task on a PDA over the course of week in participants' natural environment. Attentional bias was assessed in the field as well as in the lab. Attentional bias for smoking cues was reduced over
more » ... days in the study as was cue provoked craving.There was no effect on smoking behavior.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.660824.v1 fatcat:hlycxabwtrfejpfnpffsc5mpmi