The Metamorphosis of Church Spirituality during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Fredy Simanjuntak, Johannes Tarigan, Talizaro Tafonao, Alexander Djuang Papay, Vicky Baldwin Goldsmith Dotulong Paat
2022 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research   unpublished
Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 outbreak, the practice of worship has transitioned online to the use of virtual worship. Likewise, the direction of church spirituality, in general, has more immigrated to cyberspace. The church is on the verge of a spiritual metamorphosis of social formation in the context of changing times. Is the church ready to be challenged to interpret whether technology substantially contributes to spiritual goals? So that the phenomenon of virtual spirituality is not a
more » ... psychological escape, obsessions, and a moment's spiritual need in the current dynamics of Christianity. This paper aims to explain the theological review of the concept of virtual spirituality with a qualitative approach seen from several lenses and a multi-paradigm approach. Research Contribution: The research helps the reader to see how the spiritual paradigm changes in the context of Pandemic. This research helps the reader to see how the spiritual paradigm is changing in the context of the Pandemic. This approach is proposed to further develop openness to the dynamics of spirituality in the digital space as well as to utilize technology as a support system for the growth of church spirituality in transmitting the relevant messages of Christ in the Digital Age.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.220702.040 fatcat:zlgluppnwjcelhc3fax5bsngoq