Neonatal respiratory and intensive care in emerging regions of China: learning curve, cost-effectiveness, quality and standard of care From the womb to the adult

Bo Sun, Vassilios Fanos, Michele Mussap, Antonio Del Vecchio, Bo Sun, Shanghai, Gavino Faa, Antonio Giordano
2015 Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine   unpublished
The article presents informations on birth population and policy change in China, along with data on neonatal and perinatal morbidity and mortality, covering four decades. Care standard and cost-effectiveness are also analyzed, highlighting the measures that significantly improved general and specified maternal and infant care, and established modern perinatal care system. Moreover, results from multicenter studies-through nationwide or province-wide collaborative NICU network for respiratory
more » ... seases-are reported. Development of neonatal-perinatal care in China is representative in its transition over more than 3 decades from a poor condition into a modernized one. Public health care policy and professionally integrated service mode played pivotal roles, whereas social economic and cultural factors play either synergistic or detrimental roles for such a transition. The progress in Chinese neonatal-perinatal care is also influenced by international collaboration and exchange, and in a sense followed right the footprint of international pioneers and their colleagues. In foreseeable future, many Chinese perinatal and neonatal centers would actively participate in international collaborations aiming at improving not only domestic but developing country neonatal-perinatal care as a whole.