Dynamic Behavior of Various Stiffened Cylindrical Shell under Internal Pressure and External Pressure
内圧および外圧下における補強円筒シェル構造の動的挙動(OS.11 板・シェルの構造解析)

Yoshiaki YASUI, Junya HARADA
2004 The Proceedings of Conference of Kanto Branch  
丁 勲is papeT repo 貞 s on d 》 n旧 m } c behavior of various sti飩 11cd cylilldrical shell under inten 】 al pressure alld extenlal pressure . Free vibration charactehsUc is very protitable on unde [ standing 由 e stnIci し 邑 re of dynamic bchavior , On stud } ・ ing a stif 海 ned cy ] indrical shcl1 , there were ve τ y f ヒw studies oll the interactioll between the reinforcing effect and free vib 田 tlon charaGteristic . Thus in thls study we illvcstigated a 童 ee vib 阻 tion characteristic of vanous stin
more » ... cd cylindrica 】sh ¢ ll urider iltenral pressure and extcrnal pressure by fillite elemellt method analysisand experhnent . There restllts ale colllpared 、 酒 山 thc exp 卑 riment and Uleo 【 ies ofother researchers .
doi:10.1299/jsmekanto.2004.10.305 fatcat:j6umzcdnpvftpbmwih2uszrvne