Pattern Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks: Humpback Whale Tails [post]

Luis Fernando de Mingo López, Clemencio Morales Lucas, Nuria Gómez Blas, Krassimira Ivanova
2019 unpublished
This paper presents a study and implementation of a convolutional neural network to identify and recognize humpback whale specimens from the unique patterns of their tails. Starting from a dataset composed of images of whale tails, all the phases of the process of creation and training of a neural network are detailed – from the analysis and pre-processing of images to the elaboration of predictions, using TensorFlow and Keras frameworks. Other possible alternatives are also explained when it
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doi:10.20944/preprints201902.0257.v1 fatcat:y3m67jc7hzekfb73t6jvmtsmkq