Modeling the Effects of Osmotic Dehydration Pretreatment Parameters and Lyophilization Kinetics on Mass Transfer and Selected Nutritive Parameters of Peaches

Vladimir Filipović, Jelena Filipović, Biljana Lončar, Violeta Knežević, Milica Nićetin, Vesna Vujačić
2022 Periodica Polytechnica: Chemical Engineering  
The effects of the osmodehydration pretreatment parameters on successive lyophilization mass transfer kinetics of the peaches, dehydrated in the combined dehydration process, were investigated and mathematically modelled. The obtained results showed the statistically significant effect of osmotic dehydration pretreatment and its parameters on the final dry matter content and water activity values of the dehydrated peaches. The maximum dry matter content and minimal water activity values of
more » ... rated peach samples were 84.60 % and 0.423, respectively, produced in osmodehydration pretreatment in molasses of 80 % concentration, at 50 °C, during a 5-hour process and subsequent 6-hour lyophilization. With the increase of all osmodehydration pretreatment parameters it is possible to reduce the duration of the lyophilization process, reducing the high energy demand of the dehydration method (lyophilization) and substituting it with low energy demanding dehydration method (osmodehydration) without compromising the quality of the final product, regarding the dry matter content and water activity values. Mathematical models describing the effect of the duration of the lyophilization on the dry matter content and water activity values of the fresh and dehydrated peaches were developed. They showed a good correlation between calculated and experimental values, allowing a good prediction of the investigated responses. In the combined method, protein, sugar, K and Fe content of the dehydrated peach samples were enriched and further enhanced in prolonged lyophilization stages.
doi:10.3311/ppch.20242 fatcat:by2sxcryojhxnccnzcjyvt7xha