VLADLEN SAMOSHKIN, Prydniprovsk State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport, VIKTOR MELESHKO, Prydniprovsk State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport
2021 Sports Bulletin of the Dnieper  
Introduction and purpose of the study. In article to lay out, to prove, to systematize the main factors to risk of development the osteoporosis. In the presentation to lay out, primed and systematized head factors to risk the development of osteoporosis. Descriptions of modern laboratory biochemical diagnostics complexes and instrumental methods for the prevention of osteoporosis. Proponents of non-medicinal methods of recreation for osteoporosis for additional factors of food and mobility
more » ... ity in the community, who are engaged by physical ehercise. The hypothesis of the study lies in the fact that for the prevention of osteoporosis in branch of physical culture and sport it is necessary to non-drug methods: balancing the nutrition of athletes, health control of training organisms for athletes, replenishment of a sufficient number of vitamins and minerals for the body. The aim of the research is to determine the patient's attitude -systematization of the current knowledge about the process to diminish mineral's density of cyst tissue (osteoporosis) of hulks in the field and when they areengaged by physical exercise. Methods: analysis, synthesis and systematization of scientific literature data and materials from the internet. Results. The analysis of literary sources has found that there are two main types of osteoporosis: primary to secondary. Primary osteoporosis usualy develops in old age. Secondary osteoporosis is often the result of metabolic, endocrine or hormonal processes in the body. For the differential diagnosis of osteoporosis are: laboratory tests of blood and urine (general analysis, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, calcium, magnesium, iron, thyroid hormone, testosterone, cortisol, protein electrophoresis); determination of the panel of phosphorus -calcium metabolism and osteoporosis; instrumental research. Described the main signs of calcium deficiency in humans. The reasons for the decrease in bone mineral density in athletes have been identified. For the prevention of osteoporosis are recommended: regular exercise and moderate muscle training; training on special correctors; different types of physical activity. Analyzed diet that can seriously reduce the risk of osteoporosis (dairy products; fresh vegetables and fruits; legumes, nuts, seeds, oils). There is a justified need to exclude from the diet foods that impair the absorption of calcium to its survival from the body (refined foods and caffeine, meat products of industrial production, excess salt, alcoholic beverages). Conclusions. The occurrence of osteoporosis depends on how much a person's bone mass developed before the age of 25 and 30 and how quickly it is consumed after this period. In branch of physical culture and sport, the prevention of osteoporosis are: a balanced diet of athletes, medical control of training loads of athletes, providing their bodies with sufficient vitamins and minerals. To prevent osteoporosis, regular exercise, moderate muscle load, special exercises that train different muscle © Самошкін В., Мелешко В., 2021 199 № 3. 2021 Спортивний вісник Придніпров'я Науково-практичний журнал groups and slow bone loss are recommended.
doi:10.32540/2071-1476-2021-3-198-210 fatcat:f6a2vgdhsnbfnhpofi7yei5y54