Impact of indoor residual spraying on malaria transmission in the Moïssala health district, Chad [post]

2019 unpublished
Backgroud Malaria is a major public health and development problem in Africa. In Chad in 2016, with 720 765 confirmed cases and 1 686 deaths, malaria is the main cause of consultations, hospitalizations and deaths in health facilities. A longitudinal entomological study was carried out from 07 to 24 December 2016 in the Moïssala health district. The objective of the study was to assess the impact of malaria transmission one year after two cycles of indoor residual spraying of 80% bendiocarb
more » ... able powder (Ficam WP 80 W). Methods Two areas were defined for the study: the town of Dembo, located in the sprayed area, was chosen as the test town and Moïssala, located in the untreated area, was chosen as the control town. Two sampling methods were used: collection of resting endophilic fauna and direct capture of aggressive mosquitoes from human subjects. Results A total of 16 sessions of catches on human subjects totalling 32 man-nights were conducted and 160 rooms were sprayed per site. For 160 sprayed chambers per site, two anopheles were captured in Dembo compared to 547 in Moïssala. Three anophelian species have been morphologically identified. In Moïssala, An gambiae sl (An colluzzii : 96%, An gambiae : 4%), An funestus and An rufipes were captured at rest in the rooms and on human bait. In Dembo, the two anopheles, An colluzzii and An funestus were captured at rest in the rooms. On human bait as in endophilic fauna, An gambiae sp was the most common species in Moïssala. The aggressive anophelian density was zero in Dembo while it is 9 bites per man per night in 4 Mosesala. Only Anopheles gambiae sp was found infected in aggressive wildlife. The sporozoite index of the aggressive fauna of An gambiae sp was 7.45%. Malaria transmission was estimated at 0.67 infected bites per man per night, or 244.55 infected bites per man per year. In endophilic fauna, An gambiae sp and An rufipes were the two species found infected in Moïssala with sporozoite indices of 6.70% (23/343) and 20% (2/10) respectively. However, in Dembo, neither of the two captured individuals was found infected. Conclusions The indoor residual spraying campaign in the eastern zone of the Moïssala health district has led to the collapse of the density and aggressiveness of malaria vectors. However, its evaluation over a short period of time is not sufficient to assess the impact of malaria transmission in this stable and highly endemic malaria zone.
doi:10.21203/rs.2.19781/v1 fatcat:4aotikrjt5cepfmctdplhxpwre