Thoughts of Expert Nurses About Daily Life Assistance of Terminally-Ill Cancer Patients Considering Safety and Comfort

Emiko Kimura, Mizue Shiromaru, Migiwa Nakada
2020 Nihon Kango Gijutsu Gakkaishi  
This study aims to identify the thoughts(ideas)of expert nurses of cancer palliative care about daily life assistance of terminally-ill cancer patients considering safety and comfort. The researcher observed 7 expert nurses of cancer palliative care providing daily life assistance, and conducted semi-structured interviews using the observation data. The qualitative and descriptive analysis of the interview data identified 7 categories including [Attaching importance to the comfort and
more » ... ree life of patients] ,[Thinking of the ways the patients themselves wish to spend their time] ,[Thinking of how patients may wish the end of life to be] ,[Thinking about the risks and benefits patients are exposed to] , and[Exploring the aspects where patients, their families, and nurses are all satisfied] . The findings suggest that expert nurses of cancer palliative care are evaluating how to maintain balance between safety and comfort by considering the risks and benefits to patients and exploring the aspects where patients, their families, and nurses are all satisfied, while thinking about the comfort of terminally-ill cancer patients.
doi:10.18892/jsnas.19.0_104 fatcat:466f3x4kund63pmrcswvo2acmm