Special Correspondence
BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)
Wemyss Bay (not yet decided), and thence by special train, arriving in town about 8 P.Sr. 8. Ioch Lonond.-The party, numbering 150, will leave tlhe Nortlh British Railway Station, Dundas tStreet, at 10 A.M., by special train for Ballochl Pier, where it will be waited for by a special steamer; during its passage to tlhe henlad of the loch all the places of historic interest will be pointed out. Facilities will be given, hy arrangement made before or in the early part of the meeting, for an
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... of Ben Lomond by a small party. On arriving at the head of the loch fifty of the party (to be fixed by ballot or chloice) will land, the remainder retlurning by the same steamer to Tarbet, whlere dinnier will be serve(I about 2.30 P.M. in the hotel. From hlere parties may visit Loch Long by a very picturesque road. For the party of fifty left at the headl of the loch a special dinner will be provided on board the steamer, arriving there about 2 p.M. The return journey will be made by steamer to Ballochl, andlby special train to town, arriving about 8 P..r. As this is the busiest time of the tourist season, intending visitors to this place should apply early, in order that completely comfortable arrangements may be made. Short descriptive sketches of the different excursions will be given in the JoURNAL. from week to week, in order to enable visitors to determine their chloice, and also that early applications may be made during the meeting for tickets. FRANCIS FowKE, General Secretary. Ar.qeniate of Gold.-Papain in Dyspepsia.-C/emnical Taccine. ThE. Jotrnal de l[&lecinc of MIay 6th publishes a paper by M. Henri lluchard on lhysteria of the respiratonorgans. Thle author has alread(ly remarke(d hlow frequently simple laryngitis, angina pectoris, or lbronchitis are transformed into aphlonia, spasmodic contraction of the oesophagus, or hloarse, sonorous coiugh; symptoms wlhich antiphlogistic treatment enitirely fails to comn;bat, lut whichi disappear spontaneously. M. LUon Petit describes a case of ptilmoniary lhysteria whicih IM. lIlchardl regards as one of hiemoptysis of llhysterical origin. The spasms may be localised in the nos.e, the larynx, the diaphiragm, bronchiial tubes, etc. M. Iluchard quoted eases of spasms of hysterical origin in the respiratory organs, whlen trachieotomy was resorted to, buit withiout modifying the symptoms. lie points out the difficulty and, at the same time, the importance of determining the exact relations between hysteria an(i thie affections of the respiratory organs, without confusion. In the secoind stage of consumption a sonorous incessant cough w-ill appear quite suddenly, followved by aphonia, h:emolptysis, which usually recuirs at the menstrual period, com-