Superspace formulations of the (super)twistor string

Igor A Bandos, José A. de Azcárraga, Cèsar Miquel-Espanya
2006 Journal of High Energy Physics  
The superspace formulation of the worldvolume action of twistor string models is considered. It is shown that for the Berkovits-Siegel closed twistor string such a formulation is provided by a N=4 twistor-like action of the tensionless superstring. A similar inverse twistor transform of the open twistor string model (Berkovits model) results in a dynamical system containing two copies of the D=4, N=4 superspace coordinate functions, one left-moving and one right-moving, that are glued by the
more » ... ndary conditions. We also discuss possible candidates for a tensionful superstring action leading to the twistor string in the tensionless limit as well as multidimensional counterparts of twistor strings in the framework of both 'standard' superspace and superspace enlarged by tensorial coordinates (tensorial superspaces), which constitute a natural framework for massless higher spin theories.
doi:10.1088/1126-6708/2006/07/005 fatcat:io2a5h57lzaq3oas2wq7huo3vq