The river as an element of urban composition

Adam Rybka, Rafał Mazur, D. Słyś, J. Dziopk
2018 E3S Web of Conferences  
Cities often owe their existence to rivers; however, when cities begin to develop, the river turns into a barrier whose crossing becomes one of the more important engineering issues in municipal infrastructure. As a part of nature, a river significantly influences the form of a city. Its development can, in turn, also impact the shape of the river. It becomes an element of urban composition. This mutual dependency is a key problem in spatial planning. Finding the right balance between the
more » ... l character of the river, and the introduction of city structures into its course, leads to the creation of a balanced space, naturally utilized by city dwellers. The article analyses examples, which illustrate the relationship between a river and the city, with a particular look at Warsaw, where this relationship has undergone a huge transformation since the beginning of the 21st century.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/20184500077 fatcat:vpyni54dxvdtbn3iufagb3elk4