Study of Optimization through Performance Analysis of Parallel Distributed Filesystem
병렬 분산파일시스템의 성능 분석을 통한 최적화 연구

JunWeon Yoon, Ui-Sung Song
2016 Journal of Digital Contents Society  
Recently, Big Data issue has become a buzzword and universities, industries and research institutes have been efforts to collect, analyze various data enabled. These things includes accumulated data from the past, even if it is not possible to analysis at this present immediately a which has the potential means. And we are obtained a valuable result from the collected a large amount of data via the semantic analysis. The demand for high-performance storage system that can handle large amounts
more » ... data required is increasing around the world. In addition, it must provide a distributed parallel file system that stability to multiple users too perform a variety of analyzes at the same time by connecting a large amount of the accumulated data In this study, we identify the I/O bandwidth of the storage system to be considered, and performance of the metadata in order to provide a file system in stability and propose a method for configuring the optimal environment.
doi:10.9728/dcs.2016.17.5.409 fatcat:nhl4hvd2ubcdbcyczjg3mylcfa