Moving target detection algorithm: Improved-Vibe

Yuntao Dou, Zhenghua Liu, Le Chang, Jianping Huang
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Informatics   unpublished
Vibealgorithm initializes the background model very quickly by using the first frame.However, when the target has been in the first frame, the ghostwill be produced with the initialization.And the original Vibe algorithm has no special inhibition about it.In addition, the shadow of the moving target will be detected as a goal, which will influence the accuracy of detection.In order to solve these problems, this paper presents an improved algorithm to inhibit the ghost and shadows.If a pixelis
more » ... dged as a foreground pixel for many times, it will be compared with the pixel which is the closest one of it, and judged whether they are belong to the same area. Besides, this paper uses a fusion method based on LBP operator and gray space to delete the shadow. Experimental results show that the Improved-Vibe algorithm can absorb the ghost quickly and reduce the influence of shadow compared with the original Vibe algorithm.
doi:10.2991/ameii-15.2015.171 fatcat:6w5fnfrldzc4hi2vqxncwrxgwa