Multidisciplinary Nutrition Care: Benefitting Patients with Malnutrition Across Healthcare Sectors [chapter]

Heather Keller, Susan Slaughter, Leah Gramlich, Ashwini Namasivayam-MacDonald, Jack J. Bell
2021 Perspectives in Nursing Management and Care for Older Adults  
AbstractGeriatric malnutrition prevention, detection, and treatment benefit from a multidisciplinary approach, regardless of the care setting. Nutrition care pathways have been created to support multidisciplinary care for hospitals and for transitions and primary care. Conceptual models for supporting nutrition in long-term care emphasize a multidisciplinary approach.
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-63892-4_13 fatcat:7hqtipe3lje5vi5dfmnqfog4q4