A scheduling problem with unrelated parallel machines and sequence dependent setups

M. Gomez Ravetti, Geraldo R. Mateus, Pedro L. Rocha, Panos M. Pardalos
2007 International Journal of Operational Research  
This paper addresses a scheduling problem with unrelated parallel machines, sequence dependent setups and due dates. The problem is based on a real case and the objective is to minimise the sum of the makespan and the weighted delays. A mixed integer linear programming model is proposed and since the model considers realistic constraints, a metaheuristic based on GRASP is used as a solution method. Several versions of the metaheuristic are tested and multiple instances of the problem with
more » ... ent configurations are generated to test the solution quality and the computational performance.
doi:10.1504/ijor.2007.014169 fatcat:yu4m5cldbvci5hsijck3cnlqxa