توظیف تقنیة القص باللیزر(التفریغ) لإثراء الجانب الجمالی لملابس الجینز

رانیا عطیة, نجلاء ماضى
2019 مجلة العمارة والفنون والعلوم الإنسانية  
The garment industry is one of the most important pillars of Egyptian basic industries, where it has been making significant progress recently. So all garment manufacturers and their sponsors compete to provide the necessary factors for the success of this industry, country has given great attention to this industry by expanding the establishment of many factories. Hence the need to link scientific research with society because it can contribute to the service of society by helping small
more » ... ses through offering new proposals, Experimentation in the field of clothing decoration is one of the most important necessities that achieve the objectives of this field. The experiment comes in two directions: the first with innovative aspects, and the second with technical aspects It is not rich for either side to build a product. Recently, laser beams have been introduced in many fields for high accuracy and high speed Therefore; it spread in industries that rely on the use of cutting, engraving and engraving techniques in the implementation of their products on different materials such as paper, glass, metal, acrylic and wood. Clothing jeans are popular in the recent period due to consumer demand for them in summer and winter and with the rapid development of fabrics of clothes jeans have become not only limited to cotton fiber but could be mixed with polyester and other which adds to the jeans fabrics other characteristics and affect the quality of the final product. The current research deals with how to use laser-cutting technology as an advanced technique for decoration of clothing made of jeans.
doi:10.21608/mjaf.2019.10749.1031 fatcat:ko2mqs4rrjfgtaa4re2tvyu3nq