Occupation of Public Space in Socioeconomic Mobility

Sigit Prawoto, Efrizal Efrizal
2021 Proceedings of the 1st International Seminar on Cultural Sciences, ISCS 2020, 4 November 2020, Malang, Indonesia   unpublished
The research aimed to examine the symbolic representation in the forms of pictures and writings on the tailgates. These images and writings have been observed and interpreted semiotically, for which is a science whose main domain is the interpretation of symbols. This research found that these images have some impacts on society, considering that the existence of the trucks that have various pictures and writings passes every day on the streets. The findings show that the freedom of expression
more » ... n public space is guaranteed by law, especially in the terms of freedom of expression on the road. The truck drivers express this freedom on the vehicles they drive and paying attention to several restrictions, such as not posting pictures containing pornographic and provocative elements, not installing pictures on the right and left mirrors, and not posting pictures that can block the driver's view. The pictures and writings installed on the tailgate are a form of individual expression of the driver and the vehicle owner as well, as a technique to publicize their identity. It is important to show the identity to inform the public of their characteristics, economic activities, and position in society.
doi:10.4108/eai.4-11-2020.2308919 fatcat:7prwmxfifnellotd2ifkqzn4dq