Classifying Host Susceptibility Using Porcine Circovirus Type 2 Viral Load and Antibody Titer
돼지 써코바이러스 2형 감염량과 항체가를 이용한 자돈의 저항성군 선발법

Kyu-Sang Lim, Eun-A Lee, Kyung-Tai Lee, Taehoon Chun, Ki-Chang Hong, Jun-Mo Kim
2017 Journal of Life Science  
Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is a notorious and ubiquitous virus in the swine industry. The susceptibility of the host to PCV2 infection is considered to be one factor associated with the dynamics of PCV2. The objective of this study was to verify the criteria for host susceptibility to PCV2, using blood parameters of post-weaned pigs naturally infected with the virus. The PCV2 DNA viral load, antibody titer, and leukopenia characteristics were measured in the serum extracted from the pigs
more » ... t the 10th week. We classified the pigs into high (>5.0), intermediate (3.0 to 5.0), and low (<3.0) groups on the basis of the PCV2 viral load (log copies/ml), or as positive (≤0.50) and negative (>0.50) groups on the basis of antibody titer (sample-to-negative corrected ratio). Moreover, using these two categorized parameters, we suggested the criteria for classification into the susceptible and resistant groups. Statistical analyses revealed that pigs in the susceptible group had a significantly higher viral load (p<0.001) and negative antibody titer (p<0.001), as well as significantly lower leukocyte counts (p=0.018) and lower amounts of several leukocyte components (p<0.05), than pigs in the resistant group. We concluded that the susceptible group could be considered to have PCV2-induced leukopenia. Therefore, we suggest that the combined classifications of viral loads and anti-PCV2 antibodies can be used to determine PCV2-induced leukopenia in the subclinical PCV2 infection of post-weaned pig populations.
doi:10.5352/jls.2017.27.3.283 fatcat:qa5d3pycpnej5imnstn6b75llu