Phase and amplitude response of the '0.7 feature' caused by holes in silicon one-dimensional wires and rings

N T Bagraev, N G Galkin, W Gehlhoff, L E Klyachkin, A M Malyarenko
2008 Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter  
We present the findings of the 0.7(2e2/h) feature in the hole quantum conductance staircase that is caused by silicon one-dimensional channels prepared by the split-gate method inside the p-type silicon quantum well (SQW) on the n-type Si (100) surface. Firstly, the interplay of the spin depolarisation with the evolution of the 0.7(2e2/h) feature from the e2/h to 3/2 e2/h values as a function of the sheet density of holes is revealed by the quantum point contact connecting two 2D reservoirs in
more » ... he p-type SQW. The 1D holes are demonstrated to be spin-polarised at low sheet density, because the 0.7(2e2/h) feature is close to the value of 0.5(2e2/h) that indicates the spin degeneracy lifting for the first step of the quantum conductance staircase. The 0.7(2e2/h) feature is found to take however the value of 0.75(2e2/h) when the sheet density increases thereby giving rise to the spin depolarisation of the 1D holes. Secondly, the amplitude and phase sensitivity of the 0.7(2e2/h) feature are studied by varying the value of the external magnetic field and the top gate voltage that are applied perpendicularly to the plane of the double-slit ring embedded in the p-type SQW, with the extra quantum point contact inserted in the one of its arms. The Aharonov-Bohm (AB) and the Aharonov-Casher (AC) conductance oscillations obtained are evidence of the interplay of the spontaneous spin polarisation and the Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI) in the formation of the 0.7(2e2/h) feature. Finally, the variations of the 0.7(2e2/h) feature caused by the Rashba SOI are found to take in the fractional form with both the plateaux and steps as a function of the top gate voltage.
doi:10.1088/0953-8984/20/16/164202 fatcat:4uooanqjsjhollgs4uw2vqra6i