Legal Protection for Trade Secret Holders under the Laws of the Republic of Indonesia Number 30 of 2000 on Trade Secrets

Henry Aspan, Syaiful Asmi Hasibuan, Ari Prabowo
2022 Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences  
Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) are property rights that originate or are born as a result of human intellectual capabilities. With the emergence of use values and economic rewards, a thinking or conception regarding the need of legal protection for human outcomes or intellectual works develops. The term "law of confidence" refers to the legislation that evolved as a framework for protecting secret information (confidence). Trade secret violations occur when someone deliberately divulges
more » ... de secrets, breaches agreements, or violates written or unwritten responsibilities to maintain trade secrets. Owners of economically valuable technology or company knowledge are more likely to register their rights as trade secrets than patents or copyright protection. Article 5 paragraph (1), letter d of the Trade Secrets Law expressly provides for the protection of trade secrets based on an agreement.
doi:10.36348/sjhss.2022.v07i04.006 fatcat:cs4ddzm6xnbezh46pv4d3mflaq