Resonant Absorption of P-Modes by Sunspots

S.M. Chitre, Joseph. M. Davila
1990 Symposium - International astronomical union  
A substantial amount (≲50%) of solar acoustic (p-mode) absorption in sunspot regions has been reported by Braun, Duvall and LaBonte (1988). A number of suggestions have been advanced to account for the observed p-mode absorption in sunspots (see review by Davila in these proceedings). These include processes involving resonance absorption, radiation damping, and non-dissipative mechanisms. The main purpose of the present work is to demonstrate that any dissipative process like radiative,
more » ... , or resistive dissipation leads to the resonant absorption of acoustic waves incident on the sunspot tube and that the resultant heating rate can be shown to be consistent with the observed absorption of the p-mode power impinging on an isolated inhomogeneously structured sunspot.
doi:10.1017/s007418090008791x fatcat:66ygxmnmybbuxf6v6fjuct2joy