The Study on Development for Small-scale Super-speed Maglev Train
축소형 초고속 자기부상철도 개발에 관한 연구

Young-Jae Han, Jung-Min Jo, Jin-Ho Lee, Chang-Hyun Kim
2016 The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers  
This paper presents the overall measurement system for on-line test of super-speed maglev train. The super-speed maglev train is composed of vehicle, propulsion, power, and so on. In order to evaluate and diagnose for sub-system, we made overall measurement system. Just like the other measurement system, it is designed to distributed type. The hardware is consist of SCXI, PXI, Terminal, UPS, and so forth. It is installed on a train, control room, power room and track to collect lots of signals.
more » ... The software controls hardware system, monitors main data such as inverter current, converter voltage. Using the measurement system, we evaluated a lot of performances for vehicle, track, and so forth. Through the developed system have improved reliability and safety for super-speed maglev train.
doi:10.5370/kiee.2016.65.9.1497 fatcat:msn3l6xfz5dufcw36m56phxw3i