Cutting planes for families implying Frankl's conjecture

Jonad Pulaj
2019 Mathematics of Computation  
We find previously unknown families which imply Frankl's conjecture using an algorithmic framework. The conjecture states that for any non-empty union-closed (or Frankl) family there exists an element in at least half of the sets. Poonen's Theorem characterizes the existence of weights which determine whether a given Frankl family implies the conjecture for all Frankl families which contain it. A Frankl family is Non-Frankl-Complete (Non-FC), if it does not imply the conjecture in its elements
more » ... or some Frankl family that contains it. We design a cutting-plane method that computes the explicit weights which imply the existence conditions of Poonen's Theorem. This method allows us to find a counterexample to a ten-year-old conjecture by R. Morris about the structure of generators for Non-FC-families.
doi:10.1090/mcom/3461 fatcat:w4pg5s7vfjdyflbczwr4awumxq