Control of magnetization dynamics by spin-Nernst torque

Arnab Bose, Ambika Shanker Shukla, Sutapa Dutta, Swapnil Bhuktare, Hanuman Singh, Ashwin A. Tulapurkar
2018 Physical review B  
Control of magnetization dynamics is one of the primary goals in spintronics. It has been demonstrated using spin Hall effect i.e charge current to spin current conversion in non-magnetic metal which has large spin-orbit coupling such as Pt, W etc. Recently different groups have shown generation of spin current in Pt, W while thermal gradient is created by virtue of spin Nernst effect. In this work we show the evidence of magnetization control by spin Nernst torque in Pt/Py bi-layer. We
more » ... relative strength of spin Nernst Torque and spin Hall torque by measuring the systematic variation of magnetic linewidth on application of constant heat or charge current. Spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) technique is adopted to excite the magnet and to measure line-width precisely from the symmetric and anti-symmetric voltage component. Control of magnetization dynamics by spin Nernst torque will emerge as an alternative way to manipulate nano-magnets.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.98.184412 fatcat:dagm6bmr65gglnpbbqgyodad5u