Biochemical and Hematological Reference Values in Calves and Their Significance for Health Control

J. Bouda, P. Jagoš
1984 Acta Veterinaria Brno  
Bouda ]., P. Jagos: Biochemical and Hematological Re/erence Values in Calves and Their Significance/or Health Control. Acta vet. Brno, 53,1984: 137-142. Clinical and biochemical examination of 114 calves from birth to the age of 6 months was carried out. Blood samples were taken from v. jugularis prior to the first colostrum intake and after 1,4,7,21,42,60,90 and 180 days. From the total number of 114 followed calves reference biochemical and hematological values were obtained from the group of
more » ... 53 healthy calves. In dependence on calf age reference values of total protein including fractions and immunoglobulins in blood serum and levels of vitamin A, E and C, carotenes, glucose, urea, enzyme activities (AST, GMT), minerals (Na, K, Mg, inorg. P, Zn, Cu, Fe) in blood plasma were determined. In calf blood acid-base values (pH, pCO" BE, SB), hematocrit, hemoglobin, methemoglobin, erythrocyte and leukocyte counts were determined. Hypogammaglobulinaemia, hypovitaminoses A and E were found in 50-75 % of calves. Among the most significant biochemical data from the diagnostic point of view, the determination of Ig and vitamin levels, acid-base balance of blood, plasma levels of glucose, urea, some minerals and AST activity are included. The selection of clinico-biochemical parameters of calves has to be purposeful. During the examination and diagnosis of metabolic disorders the development of immunological proceses, the lability of homeostasis, the functional and organ immaturity and the dynamics in relation to calf age have to be taken into consideration.
doi:10.2754/avb198453030137 fatcat:ptf5duhl4ba43dvw4iy3r7pfxy