Kateryna H. Pomohaibo, Nataliya M. Martynenko, Svitlana H. Usenko
2020 Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960)  
The aim of the work is medical and social substantiation and development the model of management by the quality of life of obese children. Materials and methods: Material processing was performed by using of mathematic-statistical methods: variance, correlation and regression analysis, mathematical prediction, modelling; the relative, average values and their errors were calculated as well as the predictive coefficients, and the odds ratios, which made it possible to obtain reliable data.
more » ... s: It was found that the real prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents in Kharkiv was significantly different from the official statistics in Kharkiv region (15,0 per 1,000 of infant population). The general level of excess weight in 2016 was 151,0±5,2‰. It was developed a technique for predicting the risk of excess body weight in children based on a heterogeneous sequential recognition procedure, which with 95% of probability can determine the patient's belonging to a particular risk group. Conclusions: The model of management by the quality of life for obese children was developed. Offered model of management allows to eliminate the managed factors of development of this pathology, to conduct comprehensive monitoring of the state of children's health, to eliminate certain shortcomings of the health care organization, in particular at the primary level, to raise the awareness of the population on methods of prevention, to apply innovative medical technologies, which in turn will help to improve the quality of life for obese children.
doi:10.36740/wlek202006115 fatcat:lpfdcqyu2bcibb4sedxmhac45i