Supergravity and light-like non-commutativity

Mohsen Alishahiha, Yaron Oz, Jorge G Russo
2000 Journal of High Energy Physics  
We construct dual supergravity descriptions of field theories and little string theories with light-like non-commutativity. The field theories are realized on the world-volume of Dp branes with light-like NS B field and M5 branes with light-like C field. The little string theories are realized on the world-volume of NS5 branes with light-like RR A fields. The supergravity backgrounds are closely related to the A=0,B=0,C=0 backgrounds. We discuss the implications of these results. We also
more » ... ct dual supergravity descriptions of ODp theories realized on the worldvolume of NS5 branes with RR backgrounds.
doi:10.1088/1126-6708/2000/09/002 fatcat:k2readjsi5ejjnodkgswiy5nmy