Morphological characteristics of the double ureter from its origin up to the end

Vărgău M., Iliescu D.M., Dina C., Ionescu C., Bordei P.
2014 ARS Medica Tomitana  
Duplication of the ureters is a common anomaly and is frequently encountered by radiologists. Duplication may be either complete or incomplete and is often accompanied by various complications. Incomplete duplication is most often associated with ureteroureteral reflux or ureteropelvic junction obstruction of the lower pole of the kidney. Complete duplication is most often associated with vesicoureteral reflux, ectopic ureterocele, or ectopic ureteral insertion, all of which are more common in
more » ... irls than in boys. Vesicoureteral reflux affects the lower pole
doi:10.2478/arsm-2014-0001 fatcat:4jwbf2u5xzfc7n2gixfaor3q7m