Characteristics of pressure fluctuations of slug flow - Studies on two-phase gas-liquid flow in vertical pipes. (5th report)
スラグ流の圧力変動特性 V 垂直管内気液二相流に関する研究

1989 Shigen-to-Sozai  
The authors have studied on the slug flow of air-water mixtures flowing upward. In the 3rd and 4th reports, the flow characteristics including gas slug velocity, gas slug length, liquid slug length, void fraction profile and liquid-phase profile in the liquid slug region were investigated. In this report, the statistical characteristics of static and differential pressure fluctuations were discussed theoretically and experimentally. The probability density functions (PDF) of the pressure
more » ... tions are bimodal in the case where the segment of measurement is shorter than gas slug length, and the profiles of PDF are unimodal in the case of longer segment than gas slug length, in general. The power spectral density functions (PSD) of the pressure fluctuations have some maximal and minimal values and decrease with increasing frequency. The frequency of the first minimal value of PSD is given by Eq. (29) approximately. The same results for PSD were obtained from analytical considerations. The static and differential pressure fluctuations were simulated by means of Monte-Carlo method, and the PDF and PSD of the simulations were verified by the experimental results.
doi:10.2473/shigentosozai.105.291 fatcat:esort5votrasjdra6rlpy3hh3y